“But God … Has Shown Me & Raised Him”
FOCUS (the core of the content to be communicated)
One of the things that often got Jesus in trouble was His relentless commitment not to abolish but to fulfill the law. This was especially front & center when it came to ceremonial law. Some people just couldn’t stand it. Some still can’t today. The moral & civil laws were also qualified & fulfilled in & through Him.
And then there’s Jesus’ resurrection from the dead that resulted in the grave being denied & death being destroyed. His physical death was not the end but the beginning of a whole new reality addressing & conquering what took place in the Garden of Eden when Adam & Eve first sinned. Death was not in God’s original design. It was C.S. Lewis who said, “When Adam & Eve sinned, they sinned a whole new species into existence. God did not create fallen mankind”.
May today’s message serve to increase & strengthen our faith & trust in God.
God tells us to …
1. see the ceremonial law is superseded & set aside because of Him.
God’s work in us is no longer from the outside in but the inside out. - Acts 10:28 & 11:1-18
2. keep telling the story of Jesus conquering death & the grave.
Everything rises or falls on the resurrection. - Acts 10:40 / 1 Corinthians 15:12-28
Making It Real
1] Is this new news to you? How will it change your walk with God?
2] Do you see this for the reality it is (no resurrection of Jesus no hope for anyone)?
Action Step
Memorize Acts 10:28 & 40. Ask God for open doors to share these truths with others. When those doors open,
walk through them with confidence, conviction, grace, peace, kindness, gentleness & love.
Cornerstone Community Church 5344 Fishcreek Rd Stow OH 44224 <>< ><> Pastor Dan Page November 20, 2022 www.ccc-stow.faithlifesites.com